Healthy Cats and Appropriate Litter Box Use

  ·  Shawn Finch, DVM

Your cats have visited us for their annual or semi-annual health examinations.  Your cats have been deemed healthy.  They have perfect (or near perfect) litter box use.  Here are some tips to help keep your cats using their litter boxes consistently!

  • Count the Cats!  Count the Litter Boxes!  Make sure you have at least one more litter box in the house than cats.
  • Easy Access – Set up at least one litter box on each level of the house.
  • Litter – Try different litters until you find one your cat likes.  Many great ones are available.  We have not found a cat who does not like the litter Cat Attract!
  • Bigger is Better!  Most cats prefer a litter box that is at least one and a half times their length and not too high.  For big cats, large plastic totes may work better than standard size litter boxes. 
  • What Kind of Litter Boxes Would You Like, Kitty?  Most cats prefer litter boxes that are uncovered.  If you do not know for sure if your cat prefers uncovered litter boxes or covered litter boxes, offer both a covered and uncovered litter box side by side for a short time and keep the type that is used the most!
  • Front and Center!  While we would prefer a litter box tucked into a corner, cats like to have at least one “escape route” especially if other dogs and cats in the home ever “crowd” them.  So while it is just fine to tuck the litter boxes into unobtrusive spots, make sure they are not in “dead ends” and that there is more than one way in and out from each litter box.
  • Bathrooms are Always in the Back of the Restaurant.  Make sure the litter boxes are as far from the food and water as possible.
  • Kitty Potpourri – If your cat likes Feliway or catnip or lavender or another kitty-friendly scent, have it near one or more of the litter boxes.
  • Unscented Litter – Most cats prefer unscented litter, though some seem to have no preference.  If YOU have no preference, use unscented.
  • No Dust!  Find the litter that produces the least dust possible.  Cats prefer low dust, and it is safer for their respiratory systems.
  • Clean, Then Clean Again!  Scoop the litter boxes daily.  Clean the litter boxes completely weekly.  Do both more often if needed.
  • This Litter Box Looks Just Fine…Let’s Replace It!  Cats are very sensitive to scent, and plastic holds scent well, even if we do not detect it.  Replace your cats’ litter boxes at least once a year, and they will thank you for the bathroom remodel!

Remember!  If your cat does NOT have perfect litter box use, this may be a medical red flag!  Schedule a medical consultation and examination as soon as possible. 

If your cat is unable to urinate, this is a medical emergency – call Gentle Doctor Animal Hospitals or the Animal Emergency Clinic and schedule a visit right away.

What tips do you have for keeping cats using their litter boxes consistently?

Posted In: Cats