Celebrating Our Clients Tony and Rhi Mitera!

  ·  Shawn Finch, DVM



Meet the Mitera family! We love when Tony and Rhi come in with any combination of their three cats!


When they saved Jack's life and let us help with his very first days and beyond, we all fell completely in love with the now-not-so-tiny kitten!


What do the adults in the family do for a living and for fun?

Tony works in the IT world as a Systems Engineer, while Rhi is in her dream job as a stay at home mom. For fun the two of us play video games, catch the latest Marvel movies in the theater, and watch sci-fi shows on TV.

Milo and Nixi

What do the kids in the family do for fun?

Our first kid is still on the way. While we don’t even know the gender yet, their favorite pastime seems to be kicking their mom in the spine and bladder.

Nixi and Milo

Tell us more about the pets you have now and the pets you have had in the past.

Milo and Jack

We have three cats, Milo, Nixi and Jack.

Nixi and Milo

Milo is one of the most empathetic and friendly cats I’ve ever met, and loves to be the regal statesman of the house. 


Nixi has two modes, hanging out with the other cats or going into what we call “crazy tabby mode” where she sprints around and trills. 


Jack is our little miracle kitten, literally plucked from our front bushes as an abandoned kitten minutes before a severe October thunderstorm. Now he is just an adorable bundle of energy, wrestling with the other cats in between bouts of cuddling with Rhi.


Tell us about when you first met the Gentle Doctor team or a story about the team others may not know.


We have been with Gentle Doctor since our first cat, but my favorite story with the team was when we first brought in Jack.

We had a mewling kitten on our hands, and no clue what to do. The staff at Gentle Doctor told me over the phone how to care for him, and helped check him out the next day to see how healthy he was. Without their help I’m not sure we’d have been able to successfully bring him in.


What have you learned about pets that you did not know as a kid or before you had your own pets?

I have learned that pets definitely have their own personalities, and it’s evident in how they interact with each other as much as with people.


Nixi is terrified outside of the home, whereas Milo is an absolute ham every time we bring him out of his element.


Do you have wisdom about any medical conditions that you could share with someone who is perhaps just starting to walk their pet through a similar situation?

The most trying situation that came to mind for me was when we were raising Jack for those critical first few weeks. Hand raising kittens, especially ones so young, is an incredibly taxing experience.


Do not be afraid to reach out when you need information or guidance, and try to get some help from friends or family.


At one point my mother in law came over for a few feedings, letting Rhi get a desperately needed few extra hours of sleep. It’s a harsh timetable to keep up with the feedings, but it is so worth it in the end.

Milo and Nixi

Do you have a favorite breed or type of pet?


Not really, we both love animals in general. We’d love to get a dog as well, but our current home makes a fenced in yard impossible.


Is their a shelter or rescue group or other pet related group that is dear to you that you would like us to help spread the word about?


We’re big fans of SOLAS (http://solaspetadoption.org/). We got Nixi through them, and they are a great group of people that help find loving homes for a variety of animals.

Is there a non-pet related cause you would like us to help spread the word about?

Extra Life is a charity that helps raise money for sick children whose families can’t afford the medical care. While other charity drives are about physical feats, Extra Life is one where people play games (video games or tabletop) for twenty-five hours straight. It is a great way to raise money for the kids, either as someone tackling the marathon or as those desperately needed to fund them and help cheer them on.


Is there anything else we should include in your story?

Nothing comes to mind, other than that Gentle Doctor absolutely has to be the best place to take your animals in the city. The entire staff excels at what they do, but just as importantly they all clearly love animals. It is not “just a job” for any of them, and I’ve always appreciated that.


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